Community Health Analytics

If Web3 is all about communities, how do we know if we’re heading in the right direction?

RnDAO is a research and development DAO with a mission to empower humane collaboration. Since 2021 our work has enabled us to

We continue to advance our research and development, to analyse interactions and perceptions data and further validate our framework. This allows us to deliver insights to advance healthy and resilient communities.

Service Delivery

We seek 7000 OP from the Optimism Collective to

  1. Implement open source Community Health Data Analytics (aka TogetherCrew) for Optimism's Discord to monitor, analyse and report on community health findings
  2. Two community workshop (timing TBD w community input) to educate community on our tooling and strategize action points based on insights.
  3. Conduct 8 week community health assessment to capture, monitor and analyze data for community KPI’s
  4. Monthly transparency reporting, including documnted key learnings/challenges and Workshops artifacts (i.e recording for future training needs)
  5. Final Report of key learning / challenges and actionable insights on how to continue to improve community health

Why Communtiy Health Data & Insights Matters

Like many others, The Optimism Collective  depends on the health of its community and its vibez to achieve the vision and collective intents —yet understanding and measuring these factors (what we call Community Health) is challenging.